Author / firewallcafe
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Daily Voice: “China’s Great Firewall”
By Alex Jensen
(live radio), 7:30a Morning News, South Korea -
When Chinese state censorship reached the L.E.S.
Manhattan-based artist Joyce Yu-Jean Lee never guessed she was in for a bit of international intrigue and even global headlines when she launched a show and accompanying discussion panels in February at a couple of alternative venues on the Lower East Side.
在智能手機和家用電腦遍佈大街小巷的時代裏,網吧似乎並不是什麼明智的商業決策。它開在中國城附近,隱匿在一大片畫廊之中。毫不起眼的玻璃門前擺着一塊小黑板,上書:防火牆網吧」(Firewall Cafe),免費使用。
華埠「防火牆」網吧 體驗中共網路封鎖
紐約華埠這家只開放一個月的網吧展覽,叫做「防火牆」。一走進防火牆網吧(FIREWALL Internet Cafe NYC),除了電腦,會看到一條豎立在正中央的紅線,它其實是用來對比美國的谷歌搜索和中國的百度搜索體驗。這家網吧的每臺電腦,都把谷歌和百度一左一右的並排在畫面上,讓民眾可以清楚看到兩種搜尋結果的差異。
China’s Overseas Critics Under Pressure
Over the past year, a number of individuals have been subjected to similar campaigns, including cartoonists Rebel Pepper and Badiucao. This week in New York, a Chinese feminist activist who was participating in a round table discussion of online activism withdrew after receiving threats from China. Simon Denyer reports for The Washington Post.
How a New York art show about Chinese online censorship found itself censored
It was supposed to be an art exhibition exploring China’s censorship of the Internet. It became an example of how that censorship can reach all the way around the world, even onto Manhattan’s Lower East Side.
網路長城有多威?台裔女孩開網咖讓老美體驗 中國審查言論的「網路長城」防火牆威力無窮,但除了中國網友之外,其他國家的人很少有機會親身體驗。美國台裔裝置藝術家李玉瑾最近就開了一家特別的網咖,店內每個座位分別有兩台電腦,其一使用Google搜尋引擎,另一部則是使用中國最大的搜尋引擎「百度」,邀請參觀民眾來體驗看看,同樣的議題在「有牆」和「無牆」的狀況下,會搜出什麼樣的結果來。
Surf China’s Censored Web at an Internet Cafe in New York
Established by video and installation artist Joyce Yu-Jean Lee in collaboration with technologist Dan Phiffer, the exhibition FIREWALL Internet Cafe NYC at Chinatown Soup enables visitors to navigate the internet as users in China do, filtered through the Great Firewall
Exercycles and Sweethearts: Firewall Internet Café
Firewall Internet Café is a fascinating pop-up exhibition that allows visitors to simultaneously search images on Google and the Chinese search engine, Baidu.