Smart Bets: REDIRECT

by Edwin Arnaudin

Smart Bets: REDIRECT

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Tiger Strikes Asteroid, a network of artist-run spaces in several U.S. cities, aims “to collectively bring people together, expand connections and build community through artist-initiated exhibitions, projects and curatorial opportunities.” Curated by Suzanne Dittenber, the Greenville, S.C., chapter’s REDIRECT show at Revolve’s RAMP Gallery furthers that goal with work that “critically or philosophically engages with technology” and finds each artist “examining the web, social media, mobile devices or other contemporary technology with a calculated sense of intentionality or caution.” Participating artists include Conrad Bakker, Victoria Bradbury, Ben Duvall, Janna Dyk, Benjamin Grosser, Jorge Lucero and Joyce Yu-Jean Lee, whose interactive “Firewall” encourages conversation about censorship, internet freedom and disparities of access. The opening reception takes place Friday, Jan. 24, 6-8 p.m., and the exhibition will be displayed through Monday, Feb. 24. Free to attend. Pictured, “Firewall,” courtesy of Tiger Strikes Asteroid